The amount, here per person, includes the participation in all the morning activities (ateliers, discovery ateliers, special programmes), free admission to concerts, the songbook and the guide with the festival programme.

Country Groups: people from different countries pay a different participation fee for the festival. The countries are the usual codes for internet domains.
Country Group 1: AT, AW, BE, CA, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, HK, IE, IL, IS, IT, JP, LU, NL, NO, SE, SG, UK, US.
Country Group 2: AR, CG, CN, CO, CY, CZ, EE, GR, HU, MT, PE, PL, PT, SI, SK, TW e alcuni paesi oltremare.
Country Group 3: AL, AM, BA, BG, BY, GE, HR, KZ, LT, LV, MD, MK, MNE, RO, RS, RU, TR, UA.
If you are not sure which country group you belong to, write to info@eca-ec.org

Direct member fee: if you or your choir are a direct member of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat. If you wish to join the association, please write to info@eca-ec.org or go to www.eca-ec.org -> Members -> Join us.
Indirect member fee: if you or your choir are a member of a choral organization in your country which is a member of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat in good standing (country groups 1 and 2). For the list of member organisations see www.eca-ec.org -> Members.

For those applying after 30th November 2011, there will be a € 20 price rise on the participation fees, there will be no guarantee for being accepted in one of the ateliers of your choice and accommodation may possibly not be provided as originally agreed by the festival.
The fee also applies to conductors, composers, pianists, musicians, bus drivers and all other accompanying people. No fee for accompanying children under 11 (born after August 1st, 2001) if they don’t participate in an atelier or in the special projects (F). They have to pay their accommodation and their meals.
Children up to 6 years at the Musical Kindergarten: € 25 per half a day.
Children aged 6 to 10 at the Workshop for Primary School Singers: € 120 in the morning, € 150 until 5.30 p.m., lunch included (regardless the number of days of participation). The fee is the same for all children, regardless of their country of origin or type of membership.
One-Day tickets: € 45
One-Day tickets for children and young people under 27: € 25
One-Day tickets can be bought in advance or on the morning of each day on the spot. For participants buying one-day tickets it will not be possible to book accomodation through the festival organisation.
European Choral Association-Europa Cantat membership
The European Choral Association - Europa Cantat, based in Bonn, exists to encourage and increase greater understanding and cooperation between Europeans and world citizens by bringing them together in the common activity of singing, promoting the exchange and development of cultural heritage and education. You can support this project by becoming a member! For more information visit the website at www.eca-ec.org
For the majority of the concerts of the festival there will be free admission. For the few concerts with admission fee we will provide a discount for the festival’s participants.