City-symbol of the Langhe, Alba overlooks the plain, in front of a fascinating crown of hills. Originally it was a Liguro-Celtic area, and, after the Roman domination, in the Middle Ages the defensive walls, that still now enclose the city, were built. Above the walls, there are the buttresses and towers. That is why Alba is known as the city of a hundred towers.

Numerous artifacts were found in the area to testify the presence of human settlements in Arona since the Bronze Age. After the Celtic domination, Arona became a key trading passageway of the Roman Empire, witnessed by the remains of a furnace and of a Benedictine abbey. During the Renaissance the town was subjected to the struggles of domination by European families, ending up under the Savoy’s domination in 1815.

Favoured by a mild climate, specially protected by the Alps, Asti is famous for its vineyards and the Palio. After being a Roman civitas, Asti became in the Middle Ages an important centre of merchant and banking trade, which promoted the city’s embellishment by building towers and palaces.

The current Auditorium RAI is located on the site of the Royal Hippodrome Vittorio Emanuele II, which was built in 1856 as a “permanent circus theatre “, and was property of the Crown. A few years later the building was adapted to hold dance and opera performances. Since 1872 it has been reserved almost exclusively for concerts.

Avigliana, an important city of Val di Susa, was born on a morainic amphitheatre. There are several signs of human settlements since the Neolithic era. The Celtic domination was the first to create an urban plan. As you can see from the ruins, the castle has paid, above all and beside the population, the consequences of the numerous wars, especially by the French.

The complex was the refuge of the Congregation of the Lateran. The first stone was laid in the late fifteenth century. The structure is the classical three-nave church. The four crossed vaults in the aisles open on the chapels, and the ceilings are decorated in the classic style: bucolic episodes depicting philosophers from the Greek and Roman era. The wall paintings reproduce, instead, the grotesque pattern in vogue during the Renaissance. The wooden choir is decorated with bronze and ceramic inlay.

Bioglio’s inhabitants, in the provincial territory of Biella, are a little more than a thousand. Set between the Alps, this small town manages important sites of worship: Villa Sella, a sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady, the Santuario di Banchette and the site of Rondollere, in which several finds of an archeological-metallurgic settlement have been discovered. In the small town centre stands the Chiesa della Beata Vergine Assunta, a late Romanesque jewel which is accessed through an arcaded cloister.

The Medieval district born in Parco Valentino in 1884 as ancient art section during the Esposizione Generale Italiana di Torino. It reproduces a XV century feudal quarter. Buildings, decorations and furniture are faithfully reproduced following Medieval architectures.

Brusson is a small town in the Valle D'Aosta, with the typical alpine features made of conifers and pastures. In the Middle Ages, those territories were part of the feudal system. The monks were the first ones to deal with the administration and the cultivation of the land. The first villagers arrived in the first years of the Twentieth Century, a movement that was interrupted by the war. Brusson was equipped with ski resorts and accommodation facilities for tourism after the war. Even in Brusson you can find a castle, located on a hill, the fourteen chapels located throughout the municipality and the church of San Maurizio. Legacy of the country tradition: the rural architecture of stone houses.

Coffee, concert, tamarind with spirits, liqueurs and food, live performances, theatre, music and other attractions. All of this is the Caffè della Caduta. Born in October 2011, it offers a wide bar area and a performance and workshop hall for 85 seats. The Caffè della Caduta is part of the Teatro della Caduta project (active since 2003) promoted by a group of young people.

The chapel was built in 1692 to facilitate prayer meetings held by the Turin congregation made up of bankers, dealers and merchants. Since then the chapel has been adorned with many important historic and artistic works, above all frescos painted by Stefano Maria Legnati dealing with the New and old Testament and also paintings depicting the Epiphany that was completed in the early eighteenth century. Besides the pictorial works the church was enriched by Carlo Giuseppe Plura’s sculptures, wooden works and remarkable marble alter in the forthcoming centuries.

The Town has probably Celtic origins, while many tombstones bear evidence of the Roman supremacy. The founding of the Monastery of Santa Maria in 1028 gave prominence to the Town in the whole region. The Spanish army ravaged the city in 1544, that completely restored its independence in the Napoleonic period.
The town centre has a typical Medieval structure, with old houses arranged along small roads, leading to the central Piazza Castello. The Arciconfraternita di Santa Croce and the Casa della Beata Caterina deserve a visit.

It developed out of the disused industrial complex, the Casa dei Produttori is divided into eighteen blocks that in addition to rooms used for production, it hosts, among other things, the movie theater, costumes, casting, and a typical Piedmontese restaurant. The river Dora flows close to the residential area where the building stands, which has an added advantage as it is located in one of the greenest areas in Turin.

The “Casa del Quartiere” (“ The Neighborhood House”) is a project that promotes cultural and social activities in order to offer space to associations, artistic workshops and encourage city dwellers to get to know each other. It is located in the building of the former public baths and it is an interesting modernization of art Nouveau from an architectural point of view.

Two rooms, a garden, a café, “Casa Teatro ragazzi” is the perfect place to meet theatre lovers and practice leisure-time activities. Thanks to the many initiatives, both in summer and winter, the “Casa Teatro Ragazzi” is a fun place for young people where they may watch shows and act on the stage for the first time. Besides the workshops for children, the Theatre House organizes meetings with writers, photographic exhibitions, charity events, dance performances, creative writing courses, games and crafts and has a guided approach to acting and performing arts.

Cascina Roccafranca is a cultural and recreational center that is owned by Borough 2. It is a place where you can take part in the local neighborhood and meet other city dwellers who share similar interest to you. In 2002 the farmhouse become the property of the City Council and it was renovated using eco-compatible technology but keeping its distinguished features and structural characteristics.

Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy wanted the “Cavallerizza Reale” and it was built to order. It was a place where carriages were kept under cover and used as riding stables up to the end of nineteenth century. When the “Cavallerizza reale” was no-longer needed to keep carriages under cover, it was used as a store room, dressing rooms, assembly hall and for storage for many years.

Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy wanted the “Cavallerizza Reale” and it was built to order. It was a place where carriages were kept under cover and used as riding stables up to the end of nineteenth century. When the “Cavallerizza reale” was no-longer needed to keep carriages under cover, it was used as a store room, dressing rooms, assembly hall and for storage for many years. It is part of the “Teatro Stabile Torino circuit” which became a Foundation in 2004.

Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy wanted the “Cavallerizza Reale” and it was built to order. It was a place where carriages were kept under cover and used as riding stables up to the end of nineteenth century. When the “Cavallerizza reale” was no-longer needed to keep carriages under cover, it was used as a store room, dressing rooms, assembly hall and for storage for many years. It is part of the “Teatro Stabile Torino circuit” which became a Foundation in 2004.

Cecchi Point aims to give a productive response to city dwellers’ cultural interests . It is an ideal meeting place where the latest knowledge may be experimented, thanks to the young experts who collaborate with the Centre.

The Center is owned by the Piedmont Region and it is located in Corso Stati Uniti in Turin. Its size and structure is suitable for congresses, meetings, exhibitions, press conferences and other initiatives organized by the Region, Associations, City Councils, Schools, the University and other prestigious Bodies that carry out their activities in Piedmont, in favor of the Region. The center has four different sized rooms.

The project for the church was designed by Filippo Juvarra and completed in 1736. It was damaged during the bombing in the Second World War and restructured in 1955. It has a single nave and four chapels on each side of the church. Thanks to the windows above the alter it is one of the most luminous churches in Turin. The bell tower is an outstanding architectural achievement and, acoustically speaking , the reed organ contains 2750 reeds.

Located in via delle Orfane, it was built in 1271 and completed in 1606 by the Barnabites, who provided to finish the facade and the Cappella della Madonna di Loreto.

Right in the center of town, the church of St. Filippo Neri is a short walk from the Egyptian Museum and Palazzo Carignano. Begun in the late seventeenth century, the court architect Filippo Juvarra completed the work in 1823. The nave is surmounted by a barrel vault and the style is a blend of baroque and neoclassical, this is the result of various alterations before its final realisation.

Built with the support of Cristina of France , the project was commissioned to Andrea Costaguta, who concluded the work in 1667. Numerous references to the eighteenth century Court are witnessed by the burial monuments and commemorative inscriptions.

It was built in 1667 by the homonym Confraternity who are still there. The Confraternity was founded in the XVI century and had the task of burying dead people left in the streets by the pestilence. In the 80’s concerts of “Settembre Musica” were held in the magnificent church. On that occasion the public could admire the central dome that radiates light onto the alter.

The Chiusa di Pesio is a small town that has maintained its soul in the craftsmanship tradition, with which it has been marked and preserved for many centuries. You cannot miss a visit to the Confraternite S. Rocco and S.S. Annunziata. The hub of the town is Piazza Cavour, which is surrounded by the main buildings that adorn the city, whose perimeter is guarded by the Municipal Tower, that houses a museum and tourist office. The Chiusa di Pesio offers also an important Charterhouse and, for who loves nature, the Marguaires, an immense natural park with several protected areas.

Valle Pesio, surrounded by the Alps, has and incredible variety of flora and fauna, due to the climatic influences of the Mediterranean sea. The Maraguares, a high karstic mountain, dominates the valley. Many sports fans can enjoy a natural landscape, enriched by many hiking and Speleological activities on various routes, including food and wine itineraries. Along the way, there are ruins and remains, traces of the agricultural and pastoral traditions of the past. You can refresh after a long walk in the refuges that populate the valley, as the Rifugio Pian delle Gorre, which offers interesting meetings and concerts, in addition to a precious access to woods and valleys.

The Circolo dei lettori (reader’s club) was born in Torino in 2006 . It was conceived and directed by Antonella Parigi and it is presided by Luca Beatrice. With the support of the Department of Culture of the Piemonte Region and the contribution of Compagnia di San Paolo the club is the first Italian public space for readers and for individual and group reading. The ideal place to read and listen to others reading.

From February 1936, the Academy of music changed his name from "Istituto Musicale Giuseppe Verdi” to “Regio Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi di Torino”.
Today, more than six hundred students attend the school, and one hundred and thirty professors teach music here.

There are no documents proving the origin of Cuceglio before 1019, as well as the presence of the Castle, of which there is no documented evidence, but that should have been located on a hill overlooking the town. Piazza Marconi is at the heart of the old town, surrounded by buildings and shops . The hills of the Canavese area are known for wine production. There are many farms on the hills that produce wine from the native vineyard Erbaluce. A property that has maintained, over the years, the most faithful to the traditional wine production is the Tenuta Roletto, a few kilometers from Cuceglio.

Cuneo is located on a promontory wedge – shaped, namely "a cuneo", in a strategic location on the confluence of two rivers. Together with Alba, Cuneo was one of the main provinces in Piemonte, until the Savoy annexation in the mid-fourteenth century. The foreign domination of Cuneo ended with the conclusion of the Napoleonic domination, and its hills have allowed the establishment of the Anti-Fascist Resistance.

The “Educatorio” was founded in 1722 . It has become a reference point for city dwellers culture and furthermore, it is one of the oldest centers in the city located in the “Crocetta” pedestrian area.

This gallery, located between San Carlo square and via Roma, in the very centre of the city, get its name by the Saint to whom once the block was dedicated to. You can reach it by via Santa Teresa, via Roma and via Bertola.
The big gallery, situated on the ground floor, was built with the aim of being a good pedestrian crossing and, especially as a venue for city aggregation and meeting point; the gallery hosts a great number of luxury products shops, crafts shops and elegant restaurants that guarantee the possibility of longer stays.

It is the most renowned gallery in the city of Turin and it represents one of its most elegant venues.
It was designed by Pietro Carrera in 1873 and it was opened on 30th December 1874 and its name comes from Banca Industriale Supalpina, which carried the burden of the construction.
The gallery, which is considered by many the Salon of Turin (on a par with the wider Galleria San Federico, it is located between Piazza Castello and Piazza Carlo Alberto. It is fifty meters long, fourteen meters wide and about eighteen meters tall.

The gallery, located in one of the most characteristic block in Turin, is now completely renovated. It was designed by architect Lorenzo Rivetti and built in 1890 in the area delimited by piazza della Repubblica, via Milano, via Basilica and via Egidi (once known as Isolato Santa Croce). For more than three centuries it was the house of the Mauriziano Hospital.

Green Box is a project that involves anyone who needs space to carry out an artistic and educational project. Green box is an initiatives workshop set up by young people and geared towards any young people, who are looking for a vibrant space where they can realize their ideas.

The Music Nursery School is a project of the Opera Munifica Istruzione (OMI, a public organization which holds a well consolidated and early children’s educational tradition). Having as objective the harmonic development of the child, the nursery is willing to create an environment that is rich of inputs guided by music.

The Jammin was built in 1997, from the of a group of local entrepreneurs. The “cavernous” atmosphere, the arches and barrel vaults, the on-sight stones and bricks, are the characteristics of what has been, since long time, one of the top places of Torino’s night life. The Jammin offers also fresh afternoons on the beautiful terrace in front of the Po, a relax point on the roof-garden’s lawn chairs and refined cocktails.You can enjoy the sunset on one of the most charming places of the city.

Up to the mid-seventies the building housed a satellite company owned by Fiat, the CIMAT (Italian Machine Tools Construction, Turin).Thanks to its previous purpose, the centre offers ample space and a lot of equipment such as overhead travelling cranes, that have been modernized and colored. The rooms at the Centre are all called workshops and “botteghe”. It became the headquarters of the “Abele Group” Association in 2002.

What best identifies this church is the late Gothic style stone façade. Two inscriptions mention the passing of Charles V and Pope Pius VII. The Romanesque bell tower of the first century of the year One Thousand, belonged to an earlier church. The interior plan has three naves with a cross vault divided by granite columns. The Church of San Pietro in Vincoli is one of the most important architectures of Limone, a city on the border with France, that, thanks to the imposing surrounding Alps, offers significant opportunities for tourism both in summer and winter.

The small country environment, in which Limone is included, is centred in the main square, from which you can immerse yourself in the beautiful mountain setting that surrounds the village. The square houses the town hall and the parish Church, and it is just a few steps away from the Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli.

The Magazzino sul Po is a rich container of events. The Magazzino stands out for its artistic versatility, and for the ability of transforming both into a meeting point and dance hall, as well as a place for listening, and from a place for music and sounds, to a place for theatre and words.

Many styles coexist in the pleasant Marene, from the neo-Gothic Castle up to the neoclassical City Hall. The ancient and solidly-built tower, designed by Gallo, dominates the city. But it is mostly the gentle landscape to offer a view on the reassuring hillside overlooking the Alps. The Molinetta of via Galvagno is the testimony of ancient rural customs, and it still resists from the wearing effect of time.

Mergozzo stands over the Toce valley and is named after the lake. The old town offers interesting cultural attractions, like the archaeological museum on the ancient peoples, and the symbol of the city, a century-old hollow elm tree in the centre of the square, that was there from 1600. Another must-see place in the city is the porch of the chapels, adjoining the parish church, and decorated by thirteen chapels, each with frescoes depicting the stages of the Via Crucis. A walk under the arcade is perfect, even more if accompanied by the fugascia, the typical sweet of Mergozzo.

The Carceri were built in 1869 and used as a prison until the '70s. Symbol of the Resistance, now it houses a museum that offers tours designed to guide the visitor in the rare Panopticon architectural plan.

Despite the four buildings of different historic periods, Palazzo Broletto favours of a harmonious coherence, mostly in the central courtyard (or Arengo). The friezes of the building date back to 1460, as the decorations on the pointed vaults arcade.

The Laboratorio Corsaro is a political and social journey, parallel to the one of the network of Studenti Indipendenti’s university collectives.The Laboratorio Corsaro is open to everyone, also to who is not anymore or has never been a student. The Officine Corsare, that opened officially on the 22nd of September 2010, fully places its creation within the perspective of making a change.

The most important example of Turin industrial plants redevelopment, it used to be the key centre for repairing and overhauling railway carriages. Strategically located along the railway line Milan-Turin, its construction laid the groundwork for peopling the San Paolo District.

The parish recreation center is managed by the “Associazione San Filippo Neri” that promotes and enhances the cultural heritage of the Church, designed by Juvarra. The Church has a single nave covered by significant vaulting and it is lit up thanks to the seven semi-circular large windows in a shell shape.

Located in Via Po, a Former Charity Hospice, the palace is living testimony of his benefactors for its numerous emblems on the facade. Exhausted by war and by the subsequent structural weakness, its restoration was troubled and difficult because of the building’s centrality.

The park is about 75 thousand square meters. Inside, at the centre, stands the eighteenth century Villa, home of the music libraryBiblioteca Musicale "A. Della Corte ", surrounded by a large French style green lawn and a lighted fountain.
On the left side there is a building formerly devoted to the stables of the Villa, that , after several renovations, is the current home of theItalian Alpine Club Sec. UGET.

The Casa della Giraffa, located in the former Zoo Parco Michelotti, is the heart of the Borderland project. As a result of the collaboration between the cultural association BorderGate and the cooperative Agriforest, Borderland gives space and contributes to the development of the associations and cooperatives’ activities. The wide open space is the ideal place for the organisation of all types of events, but it has been created mostly with the intention of hosting, during the Summer, institutions and associations in search of the right place where to carry out autonomously their initiatives. Here, it is very easy to structure and organise events for the promotion of one’s own work.

Parco Michielotti born on the ex-zoo garden, not far from Piazza Vittorio and on the Po riversides. The zoo closed down in 1987 since then it’s managed by the social cooperative Ecosol and by the Baraonda Association which look after to the park maintenance and some other social inclusive initiatives. During the summer the ex-zoo organises dancing lessons, concerts and shows totally free entry.

The “Piazza dei mestieri” is a project that sustains adolescents through the complex adolescent phase into adulthood. The idea is to go back to the concept of the square as it was once upon a time, a place for learning, meeting one another and growing up confronting others.

Already known in the mid-eighteenth century as “city block of the Crucifix”, it acquired importance thanks to the buildings that surrounded the square’s perimeter, before being destroyed by the World War II bombardments.

Almost hidden – but visible from its two entrances in the Galleria Francesco Tamagno – the Piccolo Regio, named after Giacomo Puccini on January 31 1996 as part of the events for the 100-year anniversary of La Bohème, has been, for a long time, the experimentation and cultural exchange of Torino’s Teatro Regio. Frequently, its stage is a witness to guest initiatives such as prose performances and important jazz concerts. It also hosts performances for schools and conferences for the launch of the shows of the Stagione d’Opera e Balletto

Pinerolo is located between two beautiful valleys of the Alpi Cozie, overlooking the plain populated by several towns and villages. Since the end of the XIII century, Pinerolo has been home to an important notary school, besides being a refuge for artists and a centre of typography art. Pinerolo was well known for its military service, in fact there are still many barracks in the area.

The church is without a façade: apart from the dome, nothing here suggests the presence of a religious building. This has always been a source of debate: according to various assumptions, to build the façade of the temple would break the symmetry of the square.
Architect Guarini transforms the original Latin cross in a central plant made of a large octagonal space enclosed by a square shape.

The residence is near the city centre and very easy to reach both for the students of Torino’s Università degli Studi and the students of Torino’s Politecnico. The residence offers also numerous services.

It was created in the XII century after the drainage of the surrounding countryside by Manfred I of Saluzzo, who has entrusted the abbey to the Cistercians. Severely compromised by the battles of 1690 to counter the Savoy, the building plan has undergone several changes, although still keeps intact its Romanesque structure. The complex includes: the Loggia of grain, the Hospice for pilgrims, the cloister with the Chapter House, the refectory, the dormitory, the church steeple, the vestry.

The “Santissima Annunziata” Parish comprises the sixteenth-century church. The important features of this church are the chapel, dedicated to the Saint and the wooden group. The University Center is active in the community: it organizes several spiritual and philosophical meetings and conferences.

The San Domenico Church was built between the 1250 and 1280, it was constructed as a representative building for the Domenican order. The façade of the church faces Via San Domenico but the area spreads out along Corso Milano. It is the most important medieval archaeological remains of the city.

The Sacra towers above the summit of Monte Pirchiriano, between the Val di Susa and Torino’s plain. The aristocrat Ugo di Montboissier was the one who wanted to build it at the beginning of the year One Thousand. Although it was still unfinished until the start of Savoy, many artists have been working at the Sanctuary, giving a strong contribute with their knowledge to enrich this place of worship, starting with the Portale dello Zodico up to the steps leading to the Church. Not only the architecture contributes to the magic of the place, with its flying buttresses and the guest quarters, but also and especially the mountain scenery, a 360-degree view of the surrounding mountains, where this small human wedge becomes the perfect place for resting and meditating.

St.Pelagia offers munificent work and assistance and it was among the first places in Italy to ensure primary education free of charge and available for everyone. The educational activities still continue today, They include teacher training courses , instruction for children, seminars for educators and music classes for younger children.

This building is located in the San Paolo district and it is now the seat of two lyceums and a technical school. The architecture is typical of the Fascist era: the “Lictoriae” fasces remains a testimony of this style, reproduced on the glass entrance of the building.

Since early 1600, Savona’s historical centre holds the important Cattedrale designed by Battista Sormano. The construction lasted for many centuries, presenting us a harmonious coexistence of styles: the neo-baroque façade, the seventeenth-century altar, the altarpiece of the sixteenth century, the Byzantine capital of the baptismal font, the Renaissance stoup, the wooden choir.

The Aurora school was founded in 1882 with the same name of the small suburb on which it is located. It has over 45 classrooms to accommodate the growing need for education of the pupils and it was a crucial example of a modern school.

The school is located in front of a folkloristic market in Corso Taranto, that is surrounded by green space. The place conciliates studying music, that has been carried forward for over forty years through courses the Turin City Council promotes, paying special attention to didactic culture activities. The students may either deal with approaching music for the first time or improve their musical skills so as to get a professional qualification. Vocal and instrumental classical studies are flanked by musical jazz courses and initiatives that involve schools in musical education.

The Ricasoli institute, in the Vanchiglia district, is made up of three different kinds of schools and four buildings: the infant school “G.Rodari”, the primary school “Muratori”, in an elegant Art Nouveau style, the former army barracks that have become the primary school “Fontana” and the secondary school “Rosselli”. All of the buildings have laboratories and ample didactic space where students may learn and practice in one of the most colourful historical districts in Turin.

Il Sermig - Servizio Missionario Giovani - è nato nel 1964 da un'intuizione di Ernesto Olivero e da un sogno condiviso con molti: sconfiggere la fame con opere di giustizia e di sviluppo, vivere la solidarietà verso i più poveri e dare una speciale attenzione ai giovani cercando insieme a loro le vie della pace.

It is the third biggest station in Italy, with about one hundred ninety-two thousands daily transits and seventy millions visitors a year. It is located in corso Vittorio Emanuele II, between via Paolo Sacchi e via Nizza and it is the point of higher concentration of the public transport lines besides having a strategic position within the urban net. Everyday it receives about three hundred and fifty trains.
Torino Porta Nuova dates back to 1861, year in which works by engineer Alessandro Mazzucchetti started. The project combined the functional rigour with the representative and monumental characteristics typical of the buildings overlooking piazza Carlo Felice.

Un reperto inestimabile dell’architettura romana nel Nord Italia, risale al II - III sec d. C. è sorge alle porte di Susa. La sua storia è singolare: dal V secolo viene sepolto dal terriccio per poi venire riscoperto alla fine del 1950 e ricostruito pietra a pietra. Di forma ellittica, è circondato dal podium e scavato al suo interno da un cunicolo che metteva in comunicazione le carceri di gladiatori e belve.

As regarding the contemporary programme, this theatre is the privileged place of the Fondazione Teatro Piemonte (a regional theatre foundation) and a national showcase for the European new pièces.

Teatro Carignano born as family theatre between 1600 and 1700, attended by Luigi Amedeo, Emanuele Filiberto’s son.
Carignano is one of the most ancient Torino’s theatre, here, in 1751 Goldoni gave and homage to Torino’s public with the comedy Molière.
Arturo Toscanini had here his debut in 1886, two years later Friedrich Nietzsche here assisted to Carmen.

It started as an extension of the production company Ambrosio. The architect, Fenoglio designed the theater raised above the ground. Then the Ambrosio Company bought the land overlooking the River Dora to have a structure divided up into a single lot.

Built between 1840 and 1842, Teatro Gobetti is managed by the Teatro Stabile of Torino. The Accademia Filodrammatica wanted a place to set up its shows. The numerous renovations, the latest in 1984, have not left many traces of the initial project.

The Salesian Theatre Valdocco “Don Bosco” has been renovated recently in order to improve the acoustics and visual performances so as to offer audiences a reference point for culture and art education. It hosted the Teatro Carignano theatre season in 2012. The Teatro Carignano is the historical seat of the “Teatro Stabile” that is being renovated at the moment.

“Teatro Vittoria” is a twelve year old child, that has enough seats to accommodate 200 people. It was designed by well-known architectural studios, that paid particular attention to ecology, making use of modern technology. Music, dance, and prose alternate in the programming; one room is dedicated to young people and their needs to demonstrate their own interests.

It was inaugurated in 1854 and designed by the architect, Luigi Formento. The style is neo-gothic and it is characterized, above all, by its bell tower, pinnacles, rose windows and portal.

Designed to accommodate meetings and conventions, the halls of Torino Incontra responds better to the needs of the more common and more specific requirements, ensuring the best service. The Cavour, Giolitti, Einaudi, Sella, Stampa, Antonelli, Mollino, Juvarra halls can offer from 15 seats to over 300.

Trofarello is located on the border between the plain and the foothills, at the centre of what was an important road junction. The name has probably Celtic origins. The first traces of human settlements date back to the second century BC, due to the colonisation of the provinces by the Romans.

Based on a project by Ravelli Bartholomew in 1713, the facade was completed by the end of the nineteenth century. The masterpiece of the Church is represented by the bronze portal, composed of panels depicting episodes of the Madonna from the Scriptures. The church is located within a nature reserve. The Sacro Monte is home to forty-five frescoed chapels, with over eight hundred statues.

Vico Canavese, located among fields and morainic hills, it was an agricultural settlement of the Roman Centuriation. The city, after having overcome the vicissitudes of History, that were tied to the uncertain structure of the European states, it was attacked furiously by the Nazi invasion. The antique municipal archive was destroyed, and, along with it, also the recorded history of the city disappeared.