All festival concerts are free!
You can book in advance 34 over 100 concerts to secure a place in the hall (that will not be numbered). These concerts are identified in the programme and on the website with the symbol:

How can I book?
Online reservations are closed.
From July 28, you can still book tickets for the concerts of the following days at the festival offices in Piazza Castello, upon exhaustion of the availability. It will not be possible to book concerts for the same day.
How many concerts can I book?
Each participant is entitled to book – for each day of participation in the festival – one ticket only for the afternoon concerts (scheduled at 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm) and one ticket for the evening concerts (scheduled at 9.15 pm, 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm).
Who can reserve tickets?
Reservations can be made by:
- Choirs' referents;
- Groups' referents;
- Individually registered participants.
For each time slot, each referent can't book more tickets than the number of members of the choir / group.
Where and when can I pick up the tickets?
Reserved tickets can be picked up on July 27 at the accreditation by Lingotto Fiere, and the following days by the festival offices in Piazza Castello.
How can I book?
Reservations by e-mail are closed.
From July 28, you can still book tickets for the following days concerts at the festival offices in Piazza Castello, upon exhaustion of the availability. It will not be possible to book concerts for the same day.
How many concerts can I book?
For each day of the festival you can book two tickets per person for an afternoon concert (scheduled at 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm) and two per person for an evening concert (scheduled at 9.15 pm, 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm).
Where and when can I pick up the tickets?
Reserved tickets must be picked up at the festival offices in Piazza Castello from July 28 to August 3.
What should I do to get to the concert?
The reservation will be valid by showing your ticket at the entrance, up to 15 minutes before the concert. After this time, the seats will be considered free and made available.
Can a concert be "sold out"?
Each concert will keep a certain amount of non-booked places. Of course, the rule is " who comes first ..."