"Freedom is sweet on the beat"
Duke Ellington
It's right to enjoy the freedom of singing everywhere , but the festival wants to highlight some spots on the city map to attract the enthusiastic singing of the choirs and, thus, to create as well a custom for the citizens of Torino as well.
One can stop at any time to sing in the fringe spots, improvising a short concert and calling the attention of potential spectators.

But there is something more to add. You can become as well a fringe spot! The “fringe is you” project will give you a portable fringe symbol that will appoint you as the festival’s ambassador for the diffusion of free singing. In this way you can go around the city warbling.
The apotheosis of the fringe will be on July 30, during the opening of the extraordinary Reggia di Venaria, when all the choirs will be invited to sing a piece in the Galleria di Diana.
An evolution of the event is the thematic fringe, that aims to concentrate a higher number of singers in one place and ask them to follow a common theme, that is related to the selected site. There are three fringe themes:
children's zoo
29 July, h 17 - Parco Michelotti
for white voice choirs
The catharsis of the former zoo of Torino has transformed it in a charming urban space, that is still a little wild and adventurous for its empty cages and ponds. It’s a writers’ territory, freely invaded by nature. This area offers to the festival’s children an occasion for playing and singing about animals and other stories.
true or false
31 July, h 17 - Borgo Medievale and Parco del Valentino
In 1884 Torino hosts the Italian Esposizione Generale. In the heart of the Park of Valentino, a fifteenth-century feudal village has been reproduced, for that event, with philological precision, having as models Piemonte’s and Valle d’Aosta’s castles. This scenic area, along with the park, houses our thematic fringe festival. The theme can’t be other than “true or false”. The choirs, in fact, are invited to sing arrangements, elaborations and transcriptions, and originals are forbidden!
folk in my yard
1 August, h 17 - Courtyards of the Centre Town
Torino’s courtyards resemble its inhabitants. They are hidden, inconspicuous, sometimes closed on the outside, but in reality they are very welcoming to those who “find the right key”. The city centre offers many unexpected and charming insights. Some of them are noble courtyards of ancient palaces. In the Italian history, the courtyards were the nerve centres of meetings, intrigues, feasts, exchanges, barters and chatter.