Be curious!
The Festival Europa Cantat is for everybody, especially curious people. Curious singers and curious people who want to sing, curious conductors and curious people who want to meet who will conduct us, curious composers and those curious to know new compositions, curious listeners and curious singers who want to be listened to. These are people who every three years get together in a European city for ten days, in an interactive but non competitive environment, who let their voices, ears, eyes and hearts beat the time. The same people who let their memories be enriched by new faces, music, colors and their diaries be filled by new names, their bags by new scores, their mouths by new tastes and their lives by new and healthy energy. And all this is golden.
The morning has gold in its mouth (and sings precious tones)
So, if you are curious, and you can’t wait to join our musical offers, we invite you to read these paragraphs with the same attention. This brochure assists whoever wants to actively participate in the Festival Europa Cantat XVIII and take the first step: choose an activity, apply and organize your stay in Torino.
The festival offers 50 ateliers, lasting 4 to 8 days and ending with a public concert. The ateliers are made up of 4 levels and the majority of them are open to everybody. At each level you can find the greatest variety of musical genres and choir types, each atelier differing in length (some ateliers include a day off).
Different choirs can apply to the ateliers: complete choirs, groups of singers who are part of the same choir (even if they are unable to make up the numbers to perform), choirs divided into different ateliers, single singers. Indicate three ateliers of your choice and apply by November 30th: you will be guaranteed your participation in at least one of the three!
Discovery ateliers are one-morning sessions that will be offered throughout the entire duration of the festival. They can be chosen before or on the spot and they deal with specific vocal and choral areas satisfying many of your curiosities. The four-day ateliers and the discovery ateliers enable you to think creatively: you can combine two four-day ateliers (part I and part II) creating interesting combinations (Gregorian and live electronics, for example), you can add one or more discovery ateliers during your free day or after one of the main ateliers, or you can decide to attend only discovery ateliers for the whole duration of the festival… you can place as you wish the pieces of your mosaic!
Family members (and skeptical friends)
Don’t give up one week of your holidays with your family to come to the festival. We have also thought about the members of your family who don’t sing… the Festival Europa Cantat XVIII can turn out to be the occasion to share with them your passion for music for a few days: a musical kindergarten for children, a primary school workshop and an atelier for those who have never sung in a choir. This offer is suitable not only for your family but also for your friends. We dare you to bring them to Torino with you and make them discover why you disappear when you have your choir rehearsals!

ready TO perform
If a day of the festival was a breath, the morning would be the inspiration when new energy and nourishment enter our body, and the afternoon and the evening would be a long expiration made of concerts, performances, Open Singing and fringe.
Come to our music party and give us the best of each choir, of your repertoire, of your joy to sing and to listen. At the festival your choir will have the following chances to perform:
• a concert, together with 2 choirs, in the frame of the official programme
• the final concert of your atelier
• a concert in the region, preferably during a day off
• spontaneous performances without restrictions in the fringe programme (along the streets, at galleries, in squares…anywhere you want!)
Guest choirs’ concerts, special projects, special events (as opening and closing concerts) will be included in the programme. Spontaneous musical initiatives will be encouraged. Everything in the spirit of Open Singing, the real heart of the festival, which every night reunites all the participants in the square to perform, but also reaches out to the most significant parts of the city.