Info point and festival souvenirs
Palazzo della Regione (Regional Council Building) - spazio mostre,
corner of Piazza Castello and Via Palazzo di Città
opening time: 8.30 to 20.00
Torino Incontra, Via Nino Costa 8
opening time: 8.30 to 18.00
Piazza San Carlo
opening time: Monday - Friday 17.00 to 23.00,
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 to 23.00
Offices and useful info
Festival, Music, Production, Communication, Business and Staff Office
Palazzo della Regione (Regional Council Building) - spazio mostre,
corner of Piazza Castello and Via Palazzo di Città
opening time: 8.30 to 20.00
Protocole Office
Torino Incontra, Via Nino Costa 8
opening time: 8.30 to 18.00
Lanyard and badge / identification
At the arrival you received a lanyard (string) and an identification badge with the festival’s participation data. During your stay it should be visible at all times to help the team and volunteers to identify participants at the entrance of the ateliers, concerts, catering, transport and more. Also it will help you to recognise the other participants!
Magenta lanyard: participants
Light-blue lanyard: staff and volunteers (people who are at the festival to help you, to answer your questions and show you how to reach the different places of the event)
Yellow lanyard: atelier conductors, musicians and artists
Grey lanyard: festival guests
Orange lanyard: boards and music commissions of the festival, ECA-EC and Feniarco
Green lanyard: the festival managers
Team and volunteers
Over 500 people, members of the international team and local volunteers, will be attending the festival. They come from all over the world and are at your disposal to make your participation at the festival a memorable one. It’s easy to recognise them. All local volunteers will be wearing a magenta T-shirt and the members of the international team will wear a black one.
Take a picture with them and send it to communication@ectorino2012.it and it will be published with all the other photos of the festival!
Official languages
English and Italian are the main languages used during the festival, some information is translated into French and German. In addition, team members and volunteers will be wearing pins indicating the languages spoken by them.
All festival concerts are free!
We would like to inform you that 500 chairs will be laid out in San Carlo square, where the main stage is, for the evening performances.
You can book in advance tickets for 34 of more than 100 concerts scheduled, to secure your place (that won’t be numbered) in the hall. These concerts are identified, on the programme and on the website.
How can I book and get a ticket?
From 28 July, at the offices of Piazza Castello, you can book tickets, subject to availability, for the concerts of the following days that will be handed out immediately. It won’t be possible to get tickets for the same day.
How many concerts can I book?
Each participant is entitled to book – for each day of participation in the festival – one ticket only for the afternoon concerts (scheduled at 15.30 and 17.00) and one ticket for the evening concerts (scheduled at 21.15, 21.30 and 22.30).
Who can reserve tickets?
Reservations can be made by:
• Choirs’ contact person • Groups’ contact person • Individually registered participants
For each time slot, each representative of a choir or group can’t book more tickets than the number of members of the choir / group.
VIPs must book their tickets at the Protocole office at Torino Incontra.
What should I do to get to the concert?
The reservation will be valid by showing your ticket at the entrance, up to 15 minutes before the concert. After this time, the seats will be considered free and made available to the public.
And if I haven’t booked?
The festival offers more than 70 concerts throughout the city and the region, which don’t require reservations. In the 34 concerts with ticket, there will be a certain amount of non-booked places available that will be assigned at the entrance, 15 minutes before the concert. In churches, the seat is not guaranteed.
And if I changed my mind?
In Torino Incontra, an “exchange point” has been set up. From 14.00 to 18.00, you can trade your ticket withthe other participants or you can offer to someone else the opportunity of attending the event by returning the ticket in Piazza Castello.
Festival magazine
Every day, at lunch, at the info points of the festival and catering area, a magazine with the latest news on events of the festival, service information and many other curiosities to not be missed, will be distributed for free.
Audio recordings, photo and video
It’s forbidden to take photographs and make audio recordings and videos during the concerts. Please note that several events will be documented by professionals and all the material will be made available to participants.
Audio recordings (CDs) will be on sale the evening after the concert. Please ask at the info points for purchase information.
The official photos of the festival will be posted on the website after the event. If you want to share some shots of your stay at the festival with all the participants, send them to communication@ectorino2012.it (during and even after the festival). The best photos will be published in a special section.
At the end of the event, the organisation will provide information on the purchase of the video with the highlights of the festival (DVD). Other videos will be posted on YouTube.
Festival souvenirs
Take home a souvenir of the festival… or give it to your family and friends! At the info points you can buy useful and colourful festival gadgets.
Lost property
It is collected in the festival office in Piazza Castello. You can claim it at the info point. If someone finds valuable material, please deliver it there.
Festival online
website - www.ectorino2012.it
facebook - Festival Europa Cantat XVIII Torino 2012
twitter - @ectorino2012
youtube - ectorino2012
AppStore (for Iphone, Ipad and Ipod touch) - Festival Europa Cantat XVIII Torino 2012

Festival office
Via Altan, 49
33078 S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Italia
Tel. +39 0434 876724
Fax +39 0434 877554
opening time: from Monday to Friday 9-13 and 14-18
Music office