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Europa cantat xviii - torino
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The Festival Europa Cantat XVIII Torino 2012 is organised by: ECA-EC (European Choral Association - Europa Cantat), FENIARCO (Federazione Nazionale Italiana Associazioni Regionali Corali) and ACP (Associazione Cori Piemontesi) in collaboration and with the support of Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Torino, Città di Torino and other bodies and cultural and musical institutions.

In october 2010 the Association Europa Cantat Torino 2012 was founded by ECA-EC, FENIARCO e FAM (Fondazione per le Attività Musicali di Torino).

Festival Board

Sante Fornasier (Italia), president
Angela La Rotella (Italy), vice-president
Thierry Thiebaut (Francia), treasurer
Angelo Chianale (Italy)
Mihela Jagodic (Slovenia)
Pierfranco Semeraro (Italy)
Daphne Wassink (The Netherlands)

Festival Music Commission
Carlo Pavese (Italy), president
Nicola Campogrande (Italy)
Reiner Held (Switzerland)
Piero Monti (Italy)
Roberta Paraninfo (Italia)
Jan Schumacher (Germany)
Fred Sjöberg (Sweden)
Dario Tabbia (Italy)
Kaie Tanner (Estonia)

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