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Europa cantat xviii - torino
home page > venues > sing > Revello (CN) - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda
Revello (CN) - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda  Revello (CN) - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Staffarda Staffarda

It was created in the XII century after the drainage of the surrounding countryside by Manfred I of Saluzzo, who has entrusted the abbey to the Cistercians. Severely compromised by the battles of 1690 to counter the Savoy, the building plan has undergone several changes, although still keeps intact its Romanesque structure. The complex includes: the Loggia of grain, the Hospice for pilgrims, the cloister with the Chapter House, the refectory, the dormitory, the church steeple, the vestry.
The church has three naves, with marble finishes with various decorative late Gothic frescoes adorning the refectory. The cloister offers a comprehensive view of the building overlooking a beautiful Italian style garden.

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