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Europa cantat xviii - torino
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Closing Concert Closing Concert

it seems like only yesterday when in Piazza san Carlo, packed with people and par- ticularly with turinese citizens wondered about what was happening: the opening of the festival was declared.

Tonight that very square, key venue of the Xviii edition of Festival europa Cantat, hosts already the closing concert with a brief taste of what has been done in torino and with the introduction of the next edition in Pécs (Hungary).

The concert will open with excerpts from some ateliers which took place during the week:

the atelier devoted to Spirituals (A16), led by avis denise graves (us), the Let’s Travel atelier (B6) dedicated to songs from all over the world and led by Basilio astulez (es/ Basque) and, at the end, the one dedicated to Beat Boxing and Body Percussion (a17) led by richard Filz (at) and roxorLoops (Be).

The evening will see the performance of the prestigious Estonian National Male Choir (EE) conducted by mikk Üleoja and the vocal sextet Witloof Bay (BE).

Finally, we will have Presentation of the Festival Europa Cantat XIX Pécs 2015. some of Pécs’ famous dance, choirs and music groups will be representing Hungarian music: the Béla Bartòk male Choir, the mecsek Folk dance ensemble and the world music band a Köztársarság Bandája. artistic director of the presentation is János molnár, while the choreography is by Péter molnár.

Tonight everyone in Piazza San Carlo at h. 21.00, will enjoy the concert of these prestigious ensembles and, last but not least, say goodbye while singing (open singing is at h. 20.00) and give us an appointment for 2015.

Ciao Torino and see you in Pécs!

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