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Europa cantat xviii - torino
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European Music Day! European Music Day!

21st June 2012: the Festival Europa Cantat XVIII Torino 2012 will join the European Music Day in Torino! Don’t miss it!

The youth choir VociInNote conducted by Dario Piumatti and Gianluca Castelli will open the event in Piazza Palazzo di Città at 5.00 pm

The idea of the European Music Day was conceptualized first in France in 1976 by American musician Joel Cohen, dj of France Musique. He proposed an all-night music celebration to mark the beginning of the summer solstice, the 21st of June. The “motto” of this first edition was "Faites de la musique", i.e. “Play some music!”
Città di Torino organised an eco-friendly and “green” music day! Follow the website for more information: !

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