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Europa cantat xviii - torino
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another incredible day of concerts another incredible day of concerts

h 15.30

Chiesa di San Filippo
A11 Polychorality
Estonian National Male Choir (EE)

Tempio Valdese
Janua Vox (IT)
7 composers for 7 choirs: Luis Tinoco (PT)
LaCappella (DE)

Teatro Gobetti
Alter Ego (IT)
Coro Giovanile & Coro Senior Liceo Oberdan (IT)
Powell River Youth Choir (CA)

h 17.00

Chiesa di Santa Giulia
B12 Gounod Messe de Sainte Cécile
Corale Polifonica Jonia (IT) & Coro Polifonico di Boves (IT) & Gruppo Polifonico Francesco Corradini (IT)
with Orchestra Filarmonica del Piemonte (IT)

Conservatorio “G. Verdi”
C5 Made in Italy
7 composers for 7 choirs: Lorenzo Ferrero (IT)
C11 Atelier Monteverdi

Teatro Colosseo
A1 The Bad Guys
A3 Still Alive!
A18 Staying Alive!

h 20.00

open singing Piazza San Carlo, (main stage)
Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor (NL) & Michael Gohl (CH)

h 21.00

sing along Piazza San Carlo, (main stage)
Sing Along: Mamma Mia

h 21.30

Lingotto, Auditorium “G. Agnelli”
D1 Hermann Suter: Le Laudi with Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai (IT)

h 22.30

Jazz Club Torino, Piazzale Valdo Fusi
Mediterranean Folk,Tanned (DZ, MA, IT)

Teatro Vittoria
Unexpected: DinDùn (IT, ES/Cat)

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