D1 Hermann Suter: Le Laudi
Simon Gaudenz (CH)
An ambitious project with the National Symphony Orchestra combines the music of the Swiss Herman Suter with the poetry of Saint Francis of Assisi and offers a rare performance of the imposing late romantic oratory.
7 days
final performance
Thursday 2 August
national and regional youth choirs
D2 Eric Whitacre's Music
Ragnar Rasmussen (NO)
Eric Whitacre is one of the most loved and performed composers of his generation. His peculiar style, together with his recognizable chord structures, requires high-quality performances and entails an intense emotional involvement.
6 days
final performance
Wednesday 1 August
national and regional youth choirs
D3 Bach: Motets
Erik Van Nevel (BE)
For true Bach lovers! From the great German master, some of the most captivating pages of choral literature. It is a maturity test for young choristers willing to undertake a journey of extreme beauty in a Baroque performing style.
6 days
final performance
Wednesday 1 August
national and regional youth choirs