VOCES8 will be leading an atelier for a cappella groups and vocal groups of up to 12 singers during the festival.
Each day, the groups will work together on 2 pieces which Voces8 will teach for performance at the end of the final day of ateliers. The groups should bring between 3 - 5 pieces of their own music that they have prepared to work on with members of Voces8. Each day, the sessions will include full group sessions with all of Voces8, and individual sessions for each ensemble with members of Voces8.
Voces8 is launching it's first book of jazz and pop arrangements at Europa Cantat XVIII, and to celebrate this, the group would like to have all of the groups taking part sing one arrangement by Voces8 at the festival. The group will also teach one piece of classical music.
The atelier programme is open to vocal ensembles of any age. It doesn't matter what type of repertoire you sing, and there can be up to 12 singers in your group. Voces8 will be coaching all groups acoustically, and without microphones. The most important thing for groups coming to these sessions is that you love singing and come with your own repertoire prepared to work with Voces8. Over the course of the sessions, Voces8 will explore many different areas and skills for singing in vocal groups, interpreting music and bringing music to life in live performance.
This is a great opportunity to spend some time sharing ideas, sharing a passion for singing and learning new techniques with other vocal groups.

It is an international young British a cappella octet performing a repertoire ranging from early polyphony to unique jazz and popular arrangements. Their work extends to workshops with the aim of inspiring creativity through music.