The international award-winning octet VOCES8 has established itself as the foremost young British a cappella group performing a repertoire ranging from early polyphony to unique jazz and popular arrangements.
Founded in 2003 by ex-choristers of Westminster Abbey, the group first achieved success in 2005 winning first prize at the International Choral Grand Prix in Gorizia, Italy. Since then VOCES8 has performed widely in the UK, throughout Europe, the USA and Africa. VOCES8 is broadcast internationally on television and radio including live recordings for Deutschlandradio Kultur at Wartburg Castle. The group is delighted to have established links with international festivals around the world.
VOCES8 has a number of CD releases including From Gibbons to Gershwin, Evensong, Aces High and Bach Motets. The CD albums reflect many facets of life in a wide spectrum of musical styles - from pop to jazz to liturgy in Jim Clements’ innovative arrangements. 2011 will see the release of their Choral Tapestry programme on CD. The group has been nominated for two CARA awards: the first in 2009 for Evensong and the second in 2011 for Aces High.
VOCES8 plays a key role in the educational work of Voces Cantabiles Music. The group leads innovative workshops as part of larger outreach projects in two-hundred schools throughout the UK. VOCES8's educational work extends to workshops and masterclasses with people of all ages and abilities around the world with the aim of inspiring creativity through music.
