Born in Basel in 1981, he started his music education at the age of four with the well-known Knabenkantorei Basel and in addition he studied both violin and piano. At the age of 14 he was admitted as a young violin protégé at the Academy of Music in Basel, winning several prizes as violinist in Swiss competitions. Oliver studied conducting and music education with R. Barshai, A. van Wijnkoop, J. Meier and R. Immoos. In addition he attended master classes with E. Kraft at the Juilliard School for Music and with E. Chang and S. Yudkovsky at the School for Strings in New York. In autumn 2007 he concluded his post-graduate studies with a master of advanced studies in cultural management at the University of Basel. Today he is teaching at the Gymnasium Kirschgarten (Academic Upper Secondary School) and the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (University for Education), and conducts several choirs such as the female vocal ensemble Voices II and the multiple international award-winning male choir Männerstimmen Basel, which he founded in 2008 with former singers of the Knabenkantorei Basel. In addition he is the founder and leader of the popular Swiss a cappella band The Glue.
