Create in 1972, by Dan Gharibian (guitar and vocals) and Bruno Girard (violin), who will be joined a few years later by Nano Peylet (clarinet) and François Castiello (accordion), and finally Théo Girard (double bass), Bratsch is first of all a meeting between French musicians, coming from diverse jazz experiences, and gypsy music of the Eastern Europe, specially Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, but also of the Gispy Jazz invented by Django Reinhardt.
Playing this music with its own feeling, Bratsch is now the composer of a large part of its repertoire, mixing all these influences to create a " imaginary folklore " for the people living from Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Bratsch met a multitude of audiences, from Moscow to Los Angeles, from Istanbul to Montreal, from Casablanca to Athens by way of Berlin, Helsinki, Budapest, London or still Gaza. In its last CD "Urban Bratsch", released in 2011, Bratsch pays tribute to the cities which fed its inspiration since its creation. This is this program the band presents now in concert.
