Enrico Demaria graduated in Violin at the Conservatory of Cuneo and received, with first-class honours, a degree in Liberal Arts at the University of Torino. He specialised in Gregorian Chant and Pre-polyphony in Cremona, attending the courses organised by the International Association of Gregorian Chant Study (A.I.S.C.Gre), held by the masters Luigi Agustoni, Nino Albarosa, Iohannes B. Göschl and Alberto Turco.
He is the president of the Association “Amici della Musica” of Meana di Susa (TO), where he also directs the library “Ida Claretto”. From 2006 to 2009, he was president of the Music Institute “Città di Rivoli” and of the Musical-Ethnographical Documentation Center of Valle di Susa, from its foundation in 2009.
Enrico Demaria has been conducting since 1988 the “Abbazia Della Novalesa” choir and together they have performed concerts and participated in competitions and exhibitions. He has conduced 900 choristers from Valle di Susa church choirs, during the Mass celebrated in Susa by the Pope Giovanni Paolo II on the 14th of July, for the beatification of Edoardo Rosaz.
He is very active in musicological research and has published the “Catalogo del fondo musicale del Castello di Racconigi” (Torino, Regione Piemonte, 1993, 118 pp.), “Il fondo musicale della Cappella Regia Sabauda” (Lucca, LIM, 2000, 500 pp.), “Repertori Gregoriani edizione 2000” (Torino, Astra Media, 2000, CD-Rom) and “Il fondo musicale della Cappella dei Cantori del Duomo di Torino” (Lucca, LIM, 2002, 665 pp.).
He directed the digitisation of the Library of Torino’s Conservatory , and he has planned and realised A.Da.Mus, a music – cataloguing management software for the Biblioteca Marciana of Venezia. He is also the director of the project “NEUMA” (Novae Explorationes Undique Musicarum Antiquarum),for which he has developed a software for the cataloguing and indexing of musical contents of the medieval codes coming from the scriptorium of Abbazia di Novalesa (XI – XII C.). The State Record Library of Roma commissioned him to index the melodies of the whole corpus of autograph manuscripts by Antonio Vivaldi preserved in the University National Library of Torino.