He was born in Cordoba, Argentina. He studied in the Children Singers’ Institute D. Zipoli, where he graduated as a music teacher and choir preparer, and in the Arts School from Cordoba’s National University, where he obtained the degree of superior professor of composition. He specialized in choral direction with U. Bobryk and in orchestral direction with R. Ferreirós and R. Zemba. As a teacher he served in the National Cordoba’s University and he led diverse courses in direction and workshops (Cantata Bonaerense, America Cantat I, II and V), standing out as director of the International Seminar in Choral Direction in Segovia (Spain). As a guest director he has led choirs in Argentina, USA, Spain, France and Slovakia. In 1998, the Architecture, Design and Urbanism Faculty’s choir from the National Cordoba’s University, under his lead, got the first prize in the First National Folkloric and Popular Argentine`s Choral Music Interpretation Contest that took place in La Plata (Buenos Aires), where he was also distinguished with the Best Director according with the Jury’s opinion prize. In April 2007, he participated, as director of the Ethnic and Folkloric South American Music Workshop, in the International América Cantat Festival V, in La Habana, Cuba. Nowadays he directs the Cordoba`s Cámara Choir, one of the most important professional organisms in Argentina, the Architecture, Design and Urbanism Faculty`s Choir from the National University, and the La Voz del Interior Newspaper’s Choir.