Walter Marzilli was born in 1957. He graduated in Gregorian Chant, Music Pedagogy, Choral Music and Choral conducting at the “Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music” in Rome where he also obtained his PhD in Musicology. He obtained his specialization (master) in music for Choir and orchestra and in Music Pedagogy, in Germany.
He is a member of the Artistic commission of the Lazio Regional choir Association and the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome. He is “Consiliarius” of the “Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae” and a member of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Awareness Consulting, that has its main seat in Germany. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the “F.Cilea” Conservatory of Reggio Calabria and the Scientific Committee of the magazine Vox Gregoriana. He is a member of the editing committee of the magazine Choraliter and he has been a member of the Artistic Commission of the Regional choir Association in Tuscany and the National Artistic Commission of the Feniarco for two tenures.
As a musicologist and conductor of the choir he was invited to England, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Poland, Hungary, Lebanon and Brazil. He was called upon to hold Master Classes and conducting choir and vocal specialization courses at prestigious Cultural Institutions. He is often invited to be a member and president of juries for choral chant in Italy and abroad.
He has published many studies in specialized magazines: Armonia di Voci, Arte e fede,Bollettino Ceciliano, Choraliter, Diapason, Farcoro, International Choral Bulletin, La Cartellina, Lo Spettacolo, Musicae Sacrae Ministerium, Polifonie. He has published articles in Festschriften and congress events and collaborated with the Italian encyclopedia Institute, “Treccani”, for entries in the “Italians biographical dictionary”.
He is the director of the official octet of the Sistine Chapel, “Octoclaves”. Moreover, he conducts the polyphonic Choir of the “Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music” in Rome, the Regional Choir of Calabria and the Madrigalists of Magliano, in Tuscany. He has directed the vocal quartet Amaryllis and the Roman Vocal octet. He collaborates with the Schola Cantorum Coloniensis in Germany and other countries. He has conducted for recordings and audiovisual records for the RAI, BMG-Ricordi, Vatican Radio, Classical Music, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, VM Records, Crisopoli Music Publisher, Fons Musicae, TelePace, TV2000 and several web-sites. He has conducted in front of the last two Pontiffs many times, for solemn liturgies and important academic events. He has been appointed by FENIARCO to select Italian voices that will admitted to the World Youth Choir.
He is chant teacher at the International College “Sedes Sapientiae” in Rome where he is also the director of the music department. He has taught at the “French Pontifical Seminary” and the Italian Academy of Lyric Opera. He has directed the Italian World Center of Music Pedagogy. He is the Professor of the Choir direction for the two year specialization course in Sacred Music at the Conservatory G. Cantelli in Novara. He has taught choral vocality at the Conservatory, F. Cilea in Reggio Calabria. He teaches psycho-acoustics at the European Center of Art therapy in Salerno, specialization course in Music Therapy and Choral direction at the Secondary School for choir conductors at the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation. He is a Full Professor of Choral Direction at the “Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music” in Rome.