He was born in Bologna; he is a composer and he works as choir and orchestra conductor. He has completed musical studies with Manzoni, Clementi, Grandi, Ferrara, Bellini e Gelmetti. He has been headmaster of the School of music in Mantua from 1986 till 1997, and he is now teaching choir music and conducting at the School of Music in Bologna. Since 1976 he has been conductor of Euridice Choir in Bologna with which he has been doing an intense activity in Italy and abroad. From 1978 till 1988 he has conducted the “Contemporary music Ensemble” together with violinist Enzo Porta in Bologna and from 1985 till 2001 he has been the main conductor of the “Camerata Padana” orchestra in Carpi and guest conductor in many European and Italian choirs and orchestras. He has cooperated with camera groups among which recently Kronos quartet from Los Angeles and the Krakow camera choir.
He is the director of the “Città di Bologna” International Choir Festival, organized by Euridice Choir, and has been president of A.E.R.CO. (Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola Cori), the Association grouping all the choirs of Emilia-Romagna. He has also been member of the artistic committee of FE.N.I.A.R.CO. (Federazione Nazionale Italiana Associazioni Regionali Cori), the Italian Federation grouping all the regional choir Associations, and consultant of “Europa Cantat”. From 1998 till 2001 he has been the artistic responsible for the Gaudeamus Choir of the Liceo Minghetti in Bologna. He has taken part as choir conductor in the tour of “Voices of Europe”, within the project of the European Cities of Culture in the year 2000. Moreover, he works as musicologist and reviser of symphonic and vocal music and works; he holds seminars, refresher courses and masterclasses on the conducting technique, among which the vocational training course for choir conductors and annual stages in Italy and in Europe about contemporary music and camera theatre and baroque music (Uppsala University, Krakow Music Academy, Santiago de Campostella etc.). He is member of the jury of national and international contest for choir and chamber music. In 2001 and 2002 he has been a member of the jury of the first International Contest for choir conductors “Mariele Ventre”. In 2004 he founded the “Coro da camera di Bologna”, professional group skilled in baroque music production, contemporary music and in the symphonic-choir repertoire; in 2009 this choir has inaugurated the symphonic season in Santiago de Campostella.
His compositions include vocal and instrumental chamber music and symphonic and choir music.
Actually he is looking after the urtexte edition of Camillo Cortellini Masses. Among his didactic works it is to be highlighted in particular “Basic elements for conducting” edited by Feniarco (2012) and “Intonation and reading exercises for choir”. He has received important prizes in national and international composition contests for composers and conductors. His discography by Tactus, Bottega Discantica and Ipecac is very wide.