She studied at the Rotterdam Dance Academy in the Netherlands and various theatre courses for example in Azzano(Italy), Wiesbaden(Germany) and New York. She is a guest teacher at Codarts, Music Theatre in Rotterdam and works with The Netherlands Children and Youth Choir as movement coach and director. Van Proosdij also visits different European festivals as teacher/atelier leader: Europa Cantat (Mainz-2006, Utrecht-2009, Bonn-2008 +2010, Pärnu/Estland 2011) and for the AMJ Eurotreff (Wolfenbüttel-2007).
Panda has been working for six years now on the method / philosophy “Voice & Physique”. This way of working is about supporting the voice, by creating a good physical awareness and a way to let movement contribute to the quality of singing. She gives workshops and masterclasses “Voice & Physique” in the Netherlands and all over Europe.
