Mrs. Isabelle Fini Storchi was born in Florence on the 08.06.1967.In 1993 she graduated with honors and praise with an experimental thesis on the Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.In 1993 she entered into specialization in Otolaryngology, resulting the first in theadmission examination.In 1995 she won the prize of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Neck Facial Surgeryand in1997 she won the prize " Prof. Hector Alajmo” at the fifth Regional laryngectomeesConvention.
In 1997 she specialized with honors and praise in Otolaryngology and Neck FacialSurgery, discussing an experimental thesis on Schnederiani nose papilloma and shestarted the graduate school in Audiology. She also opened her medical office where todayshe is working as a free-lance professional.In 2001 she specialized in Audiology with top marks and praise discussing anexperimental thesis on the Migraneous Vertigo.From 1999 to 2011 she has been Hospital Medical Director of first Level in theOtolaryngology Clinic of the University Hospital of Careggi, practicing her clinical andsurgical activities.
Since 1993 she participated to numerous conventions and meetings both as participantand as speaker with presentation of scientific communications, also experimental.She deals with voice problems of singers since 1998, by participating to numerouscourses, conferences and stages and still today she takes care of a large number ofprofessionals of the voice.