Born in 1963, he is graduated as a conductor from the Tallinn Georg Ots Music School with S. Mellik and from the Estonian Academy of Music with A. Üleoja. He conducts the Estonian National Opera Boys’ Choir and the Revalia Chamber Male Choir. He has conducted at Song Celebrations and Youth Song Celebrations and was the artistic director of 8th and 9th Youth Song Celebrations. He has taken part in numerous international competitions with his choirs: the National Opera Boys’ Choir won two gold medals at the Olomouc Choir Competition in the Czech Republic (2005) and a gold medal at Cantemus Choir Festival in Hungary (2006). Revalia Male Chamber Choir won the first prize at the Estonian Male Choirs Competition (2008) and the Estonian United Boys’ Choir Kalev got a gold medal in Neerpelt. He was awarded the special prize for the best conductor at the Tallinn International Choir Festivals of 2001 and 2003. In 2003 he was also selected Conductor of the Year by the Estonian Choral Society, while the Revalia Male Chamber Choir received the title of the Choir of the Year. Estonian United Boys’ Choir Kalev got the same title in 2005. Hirvo Surva is the president of Estonian Choral Conductors Association and he teaches music at the Tallinn Music High School and at Collegium Educationis Revaliae. He is also assistant professor at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Estonian National Radio and Television have recorded or broadcasted many performances of his choirs. He received many cultural awards and honours.
