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Europa cantat xviii - torino
G61 Mediterranean Folk: Occitan Songs Lou Dalfin (IT)

As the ancient troubadour used to performe as ambassadors of the first Europen cultures, Lou Dalfin sing in the traditional “d’Oc” language and bring it all over the world. Dip into the songs and the dances of the provencal valleys together with them.

Wednesday 1 August
G62 Conducting for singers Anne Karin Sundal-Ask (NO)

A crash course to conducting.
In this Discovery atelier we will learn basics that will make every singer be able to conduct a choir.
How to start, how to stop, how to conduct in 2, 3, 4, 5 and more.
But maybe the most important thing - learn how to dare lead a choir!

Wednesday 1 August
G63 Palestrina’s pupils: Anerio and Nanino Paolo Da Col (IT)

Siamo soliti associare la policoralità alle opere dei maestri veneziani, da Adrian Willaert ad Andrea e Giovanni Gabrieli. In realtà anche presso le chiese romane e la cappella pontificia la musica policorale si sviluppò in favore delle maggiori occasioni celebrative, a partire dalle composizioni di Palestrina almeno dal 1572, e poi in una sua raccolta risalente al 1575.

Wednesday 1 August
G64 Eastern Orthodox repertoire Tamara Petijevic (RS)

It will be a journey through the 700 years of Orthodox church music, with mystical Byzantine, Serbian, Russian, Georgian and Bulgarian medieval chants, interesting spiritual concerts from 18th century, beautiful 19th century arrangements of traditional chants and some contemporary compositions. Unison chants, as well as arrangements for mixed, male and female choirs.

Wednesday 1 August
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