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Europa cantat xviii - torino
G72 Psycophonie

You will experience the fundamentals of Psychophonie which aims to harmonise all levels of being through the vibration of breath and sound in order to explore, "re-learn" and express one’s own full vocal potential.

<It’s a gift, a "continuous wonder," hearing the voices that are being discovered, being searched for and that are build patiently, step by step. These voices can expand and recognise themselves. We will take time to breathe, listen, explore our senses, release built up tension, move and massage ourselves through the vibration of sound ...Together we will experience and discover the pleasure of singing for ourselves or for a public ... freeing our mind>

Anne Gilbert Vasseur


The voice in daily life: exploration, realisation and optimisation of the various nuances of the voice.

Consciousness of listening and perceiving: "feel from the inside", feeding ourselves with sounds.

The human being: first the receiver and then the transmitter.

The five senses at the service of human beings.

Breath: source of "cleaning", relaxation, toning and postural harmonisation.

Posture: anchorage, uprightness and opening while being conscious of the muscle chains serving the supporting points.

Amplification and resonance of the "singer-orator."

Breathing exercises and postures associated with vocalization exercises and simple songs.

Thursday 2 August
Anne Vasseur Gilbert (FR)

.Si sperimenteranno i fondamenti della Psicofonia che mira ad armonizzare tutti i livelli dell'essere grazie alla vibrazione del respiro e del suono per esplorare, "ri-conoscere" ed esprimere appieno il proprio potenziale vocale.

Silvana Noschese (IT)

Oltre a dirigere diversi cori e a promuovere nella sua città eventi che facciano incontrare le realtà corali in Rassegne, Festival Concorsi, è musicoterapeuta, esperta di psicofonia e specializzata in canto prenatale e familiare.

Una delle sue grandi passioni è far scoprire e sperimentare i “sensi” della voce e del canto a ogni età

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